
Pandoc Markdown Code Blocks in LaTeX

Daniel Weibel
Created 6 Mar 2015

How pandoc converts markdown code blocks to LaTeX code. Described here is the behaviour with the default LaTeX template default.latex (pandoc -D latex).

Variant 1 (default): code blocks as verbatim or special environment

Example command: pandoc input.txt -t latex

Input markdown:

Code block

Output LaTeX:

Code block

Input markdown:

Code block

Output LaTeX:

Code block (annotated with \KeywordTok{}, \NormalTok{}, etc.)

Note: Styles of \KeywordTok{}, \NormalTok{}, etc. and if there is a box drawn around the code block is defined by the value of pandoc option --highlight-style.

Styles with box: espresso, zenburn, tango

Styles without box: pygments, kate, monochrome, haddock

Variant 2: code blocks with the listings package

Example command: pandoc input.txt -t latex --listings

Input markdown:

Code block

Output LaTeX:

Code block

Input markdown:

Code block

Output LaTeX:

Code block


Appearance of code block depends on setting in \lstset{} that can be added to the LaTeX template.