$ mysql -u weibel -p # Log in as 'weibel' with password prompt
$ mysql -u weibel -pdaniel # Log in as 'weibel' with password 'daniel'
$ mysql -u weibel -pdaniel db # Log in and select database 'db'
Exit MySQL
mysql> exit
List users
mysql> select User,Host from mysql.user;
Create a new user
mysql> create user 'weibel'@'localhost' identified by 'password';
List databases that are accessible for current user
mysql> show databases;
Change to a specific database
mysql> use db_name;
Show all tables in the current database
mysql> show tables;
Select 10 rows
mysql> select * from tbl_name limit 10;
Delete all rows from a table
mysql> delete from tbl_name;
Show column data types
mysql> show columns from tbl_name;
Count number of columns in table
mysql> select count(*)
from information_schema.columns
where table_name='tbl_name';
Create a new database (login to MySQL as root)
mysql> create database new_db;
Create table in new DB with schema of a table in an existing DB
mysql> create table new_db.tbl_name like old_db.tbl_name;
Create a table by defining all the columns manually
mysql> create table connected_devices (
ap_id int,
device_mac char,
timestamp timestamp,
interface varchar(255)
Grant full DB access to another user
mysql> grant all on new_db.* to 'username'@'host'
Load data from a CSV file into a table
$ mysql --local-infile -u weibel -p # Start MySQL with 'local infile' enabled
mysql> load data local infile 'file.csv' into table tbl_name
fields terminated by ',' enclosed by '"';