
Ruby Version Managers

Daniel Weibel
Created 12 Jun 2017

Why A Version Manager?

In Ruby it’s often necessary to use a very specific version of the Ruby interpreter. Otherwise, there might be problems, because certain gems work only correctly with certain versions of the Ruby interpreter, etc.

Typically, each Ruby project requires a very specific version of the Ruby interpreter, and thus it is necessary to have all these Ruby interpreters installed on your system, and you have to use the correct version for each project.

Ruby version managers like rvm, rbenv, and chruby make this task of installing and switching between Ruby interpreter versions easier.

Only one Ruby version manager should be installed at a time on a system. Otherwise, the different version managers would interfer with each other.

Using chruby

chruby seems to be a more lightweight and nicer alternative to rvm and rbenv.

To use it, first of all, uninstall everything related to rvm and rbenv

Then install chruby and ruby-install:

brew install chruby
brew install ruby-install
  • ruby-install is for the installation of Ruby interpreter versions
  • chruby is for switching between Ruby interpreter versions